
The Art of Pacing – Carilyn Johnson

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Hosted by
Scott & Don

TRN joins elite ultrarunner and running coach Carilyn Johnson as we discuss the Art of Pacing. Who knew there was so much to this pacing stuff? Pacers should get a finishers shirt for all the work they put in for a runner.

Carilyn’s Website
Carilyn’s Book

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  • Great stuff. This should be required listening for anyone that wants to be a pace or is asked to be a pacer. Some of it seems like common sense, but some other parts I never would have thought about.

  • With Carilyn’s great advice fresh in my head from the podcast that morning in the car, I hit the trail at the Western States training camp last weekend only to hear the same voice right in front of me. Carilyn proved she knows what she’s talking about as she somehow kept me moving up Devil’s Thumb and then up to Michigan Bluff (my first experience with those two doozies). Thanks Carilyn!

  • TRN, thank you for interviewing Carilyn! She is awesome. Listening to the podcast [right now.] Cheers from El Paso! All the Best, Nico.

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