

Leave a Reply to Michael Cancel reply

    • Maggie,

      Yes, Don and I have chosen to focus on Trail Runner Nation. We are very excited about the early success and feedback we are receiving from our trail brothers and sisters. We feel that this is a community project and appreciate any feedback, comments, and content that you can provide! I look forward to learning from all of you!

  • Found you guys a couple of weeks ago and love it. I have you in the car on my commutes to and from work. You all rock!! The knowledge you all share is envaluable and I very much look forward to every new podcast. Keep grinding them out and keeping us informed.

  • I’ve been catching up on the episodes and have listened to about 10 this week. Can anyone help me out and tell me which one talked about “anticipation runs”?

  • Hey guys, I’m loving the podcast. I love hearing all the guests and enjoy hearing the variety of points of view. (Loved the recent show comparing English to American races!)

    I have a request: can you raise the recording volume a little bit? I often have a hard time hearing some of you when i’m playing the podcast through small speakers. I don’t have this problem with any other podcast I listen to.



    • Hello Paul,
      thank you for your feedback I will turn up the volume on the next podcast. The podcast will be on tapering with Dominic Grossman and Katie DeSplinter Let me know what you think

      • Hey Don, I’m listening to ‘are ultrarunners selfish’, and it’s loud and clear. Thanks for the volume adjustment!

        • AWESOME Paul – I think I may be a bit under on Jason’s podcast on the topic Balance. I will make sure I keep the levels up for you

  • When I feel lazy after workdays, I listen to these podcasts; within 10 minutes I find myself happily planning the route and gathering gears. I can list so many things that I do during, before and after the runs that I have learnt from Trail runner nations. Ultra-running and TRN is synonymous to me and it literally had changed my life. Thank you.

  • I really enjoy the podcasts. I have a request, can you please ask your guests to speak slowly, at least the guests that don’t have a public speaking or educator background. I listened to the Jamie Walker podcasts and she has so much great info to share but she talks so fast she sounds like a chipmunk. I miss some of what she has to say and replay and replay.


    • Thanks B, that dang GarageBand software. It may have been my fault, it’s possible I had Jamie’s track on Chipmunk setting :). Thanks for the tip we try and recognize that in future podcasts. I agree she had a lot of great content and much easier to understand directly on Skype.

  • Don’t know if it is something you can do, but when I try downloading from itunes and your site directly, I get error messages after it tries to download. I have downloaded several other podcasts from itunes and yours is the only one that does this. Help!

    • Yes we have awesome shirts to be posted soon. Patagonia shirts and Moben arm sleeves all with the TRN logo and of course a Kokopeli

  • I’m having some trouble getting some of the podcasts after your server change. Help! I need all my TRNs!

    I accidentally lost my old set of podcasts & when I subscribed again, I can’t “Get” (in iTunes) the 5 podcasts from 2/1/12 to 5/18/12. When I tried to save them from here/website they come in as html files which iTunes doesn’t seem to like and I don’t know how to make that work. Is there any way to get them again? There’s too much good stuff in there not to hear or hear again!

    • Hey Jan. I just did a large round of updates. They should all be available like normal any time now. Give it about 24 hours to be safe, though. Thanks!

      • FYI… I don’t know about others, but for me itunes still says Trail Runner Nation is not a valid Podcast URL.

        • Jared I don’t see the problem on my end? Are you still having problems with this?

          Perhaps iTunes just doesn’t believe that we’re a valid podcast!


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