This week on Trail Runner Nation, we talked with trail runner, author, photographer, photo model and– now– cancer survivor, Kim Strom. (You can catch the show anytime via your favorite podcast provider, or via our web site.)
Kim shared a few of her favorite photos with us, and we wanted to share them with you. If you’re looking to procrastinate and avoid work for a few minutes, or just want to daydream about your next trail run, we can help.
Captions are courtesy of Kim! You can follow her on Instagram at kimberly.strom, read her blog here, and see more of her work at Alpsinsight.
If you want to help Kim pay off her cancer-related bills, you can lend a hand right here.
Kim, thanks for the pix!

Trail running in the Swiss Alps can mean steep ups and downs, ridges and glaciers, and bigger mountains towering above. Runs like these were pretty standard days out working as part of the ALPSinsight Collective.

Finding flowing trails on California’s Central Coast, and a way to still consider myself a trail runner during cancer treatment. More running/less mountain, but embracing the year round sun.

I took a road trip with Dan and Janine Patitucci to discover the Sierra and remember the joy of running in bigger mountains.This photo was near Bishop, California, on my 39th birthday, which was during round 5 of chemo.

It was strange to go from running to chemotherapy. To feel like an athlete and see a cancer patient in the mirror some days didn’t make sense, but it was possible to be both.

Trail Runner magazine contributing editor Doug Mayer wrote a considerate article in the October 2020 issue, with photos from PatitucciPhoto. During Doug’s interviews for the piece and Dan and Janine’s photography, the three of them listened and saw me as I was grappling with the challenges of treatment as well as shifts in just about all areas of my life and my identity. They helped me to see my own strength, and to be confident that I can choose what I want to become.
Learn More:
Alpsinsight: The Alps Mountain Sport Resource
More stories from my cancer journey: