
AuthorScott & Don

Why is Blood Testing Important for Athletes?

By tracking these five biomarkers throughout your training cycle, you can transform your overall health, performance, and recovery. Discover which ones to starting monitoring today.InsideTracker has identified five main blood biomarkers that...

EP 560: Spin the Bottle with TRN

Sometimes we just have to have a light fun episode.  We invited Andy Jones-Wilkins to join us on a new type of episode, Spin the Bottle, a randomized vocabulary game.  Join us and play along. We referenced AJW’s postmortem episode...

EP 557: Eric Clifton- Racing His Own Race

Eric Clifton was inducted into the American UltraRunning Hall of Fame in 2021.  He was the fastest and most dominating 100-mile trail runner in the 1990s. He has amassed more than 60 ultra wins and his win ratio at the 100-mile...

EP 556: The History of Ultrarunning

Davy Crockett, the host of the podcast, “Ultrarunning History” joins us to help us understand our community’s history and helps us better understand our tribe’s culture.  Davy has run over 100 100-mile finishes since starting in...


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