Roes is one of the best ultra trail runners to participate in this sport. He has won many races and set course record on many of the most difficult 100-mile races in the United States including: Susitna 100 CR Resurrection Pass 100 CR 2-time...
. Nicholas Romanov is a two-time Olympic coach and creator of the Pose Method of running, which uses gravity as the primary force for forward movement, instead of muscular energy. He is a world-renowned sports scientist who as consulted with elite...
Walsh rejoins Trail Runner Nation to discuss some common norms that you should question:
You don’t have to get faster
You don’t need to run long on weekends
You don’t need a sponsor
You don’t need to apologize for a crappy race on social media
to Jimmy Dean Freeman and Andy Kumeda for completing the Original Six Hundo Challenge (aka The Last Great Race): Old Dominion, June 7, 2014 Western States, June 28, 2014 Vermont Trail, July 19, 2014 Angeles Crest, August 2, 2014 Leadville Trail...
Ballesteros was the second place finisher at the inaugural Tahoe 200 mile Endurance Race beginning on Friday, September 5, 2014. This 100-hour limited run circumnavigates Lake Tahoe in California. With over 39,800 feet (12,131 meters) of ascent...
Burt rejoins The Nation to discuss the Tahoe 200, the first 200-mile race in North America. The race will begin on Friday, September 5 and cutoff is the following Tuesday, September 9. The race will be covered by Candice’s article, How to be...
TRN and follow Jimmy Dean Freeman and Andy Kumeda as they take on the original SIX 100-mile runs in the “Orignial Six Hundo Challenge”. #O6HC Stan Jensen, caretaker for joins us as Jimmy and Andy’s mentor. Jimmy...
you mentally tough to run an ultra? Are you addicted to running? Do you use imagery to make you a better runner? Dr. Duncan Simpson is a Certified Sport Psych Consultant (CC-AASP), Assistant Prof in Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology...
Pole returns to TRN for a spirited round of Grab Bag. There are only 2 rules in TRN Grab Bag: 1. Come with two topics. 2. Be prepared to comment on every topic. Some topics that came out of the grab bag: Are ultrarunners becoming hobos? underwear...
TRN and follow Jimmy Dean Freeman and Andy Kumeda as they take on the original SIX 100-mile runs in the “Orignial Six Hundo Challenge”. #O6HC Legendary Marshall Ulrich joins us as Jimmy and Andy’s mentor. Jimmy & Andy reflect...