if there was a revolutionary treatment that could:improve your cardiovascular capacitydecrease sports injurieshelp you live longerenhance...
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Ian Sharman, David Roche and Krissy Moehl rejoin The Nation to discuss running topics. More about Krissy Moehl: Krissy Coaching services...
events in 2020 have effected everyone throughout the world. First with the Pandemic and now with coming to terms with some long overdue...
Bitter and Matt Fitzgerald pop in to see who reins supreme with a grab bag topic. Check out Zach’s latest world record and his...
you remember your first trail run? What was the first thing you learned? There are some differences everyone learns when transitioning to...
McKnight set the fastest cumulative time for the triple crown of 200-milers, Bigfoot 200, Tahoe 200, & Moab 240 in 2017. Around the...
Bakwin and Buzz Burrell popularized the term Fastest Known Times when they set the FKT on the John Muir Trail in 2000. A few years later...
Ian Sharman, David Roche and Krissy Moehl join The Nation to debate matters of trail running consequence in a new game called, “Bonk...
our first call in show, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella fields calls from Nation Listeners from around the world. We field questions regarding Risks...
, our friend and trail culture advocate, Bob Crowley, was appointed as President of ITRA, International Trail Running Association. Bob...
often hear that, “ultra running is 90% mental and the rest is in your head”…..or something like that. Returning favorite...
8 of the Pulitzer Prize winning TRN Audio Magazine is now available at your corner newspaper stand. Featured articles : Is Longer Better...