“True will is quiet humility, resilience, and flexibility; the other kind of will is weakness disguised by bluster and ambition.” – Ryan Holiday This is the final episode of a 3-part series, where we review Ryan Holiday’s powerful...
“For us is the life of action….let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out.” Theodore Roosevelt This is the 2 episode of a 3-part series, we dive into Ryan Holiday’s powerful book, The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of...
In this first episode of a 3-part series, we dive into Ryan Holiday’s powerful book, The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage. Holiday, an expert on Stoicism, outlines three essential steps to overcoming...
This episode is part 2 in a discussion around the book, ‘Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity’ by Dr. Peter Attia. In this episode we disect chapters 9: Chasing memory: understanding alzheimer’s disease and other...
In today’s episode, we are going to open the bookstore and review the book “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity”by Dr. Peter Attia. This book offers a radical approach to longevity, emphasizing proactive, personalized...
This episode explores a unique perspective on risk-taking and personal growth. Our world has become a comfort zone, where taking risks is often avoided, leading to a softer, more complacent society. But what if the key to unlocking success and joy...
Do Something So Hard 1 Day a Year That It Profoundly Impacts the Other 364. Misogi means “purification” in Japanese. It is a ritual that dates back to eighth-century Japan. It traditionally involved making the pilgrimage to an icy waterfall...
What does consistency mean to you? Returning guest, Adam Kimble joins The Nation to discuss the long-term benefits of consistency. Could consistency be the holy grail of training success? Learn more about Adam by checking...
Are you looking to begin running? Are you having trouble with consistent running? Are you wanting to take your running to a new level? This episode will help. Adam Kimble recommended the James Clear Book, Atomic Habits...
In 2022, we will be doing a monthly episode focused on Training Principles. In this episode, we start with the principle of Quality Training. We have invited four experts to give their take on quality training: Sally McRae: strength training =...