Burt joins us from Hawaii, where she is preparing for her third running of the HURT 100. Faith Lehman (Goss) comes out of retirement to join in this not-so-heated debate about the pros and cons of being in a relationship with an ultra-runner. Check...
Ballesteros was the second place finisher at the inaugural Tahoe 200 mile Endurance Race beginning on Friday, September 5, 2014. This 100-hour limited run circumnavigates Lake Tahoe in California. With over 39,800 feet (12,131 meters) of ascent...
Burt rejoins The Nation to discuss the Tahoe 200, the first 200-mile race in North America. The race will begin on Friday, September 5 and cutoff is the following Tuesday, September 9. The race will be covered by Candice’s article, How to be...
member, Candice Burt joins us to discuss a recent lighthearted blog post she wrote on how ultra runners take things to excess. DUH! That’s who we are. Fun article about people that make up excuses for not racing well. Here are some of the...
Burt, elite trail runner and active blogger, recently created a glossary of terms that trail runners use. For example: Paleo Bonk FKT Minimalist Finally, there is a simple dictionary for you to share with your non-trail running friends and family...