
A great substitute for expensive GPS enabled watches

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Hosted by
Scott & Don

This morning I left the house without my trusted Garmin 310xt “computer” – I call it a computer, because it cost as much as a computer.  I decided to try the Nike Fitness App that is on an IPod Nano.  I ran a very well known course and compared the data between the Garmin and the Nike app and was surprised how close they were.  The course measures 9.27 miles with my Garmin and the Nike app measured 9.10 miles!  Amazing.  So those of you who are looking for a less expensive way to measure your training/racing with the basics:

  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Duration
  • Pace
  • Distance
  • Calories
This may be a great place to start – PLUS you get a freakin’ Ipod Nano!!!!  The other cool feature that I discovered is that it gives you audio feedback if you hit the “home” button.  It will give you the duration time, miles and current pace.
What are you using?
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  • Sorry, no. However, I use it in the rain and just make sure it is either in a zip lock baggie OR under my rain jacket.

    On a side note, if you do have a piece of electronics that gets wet, put it in a jar of white rice for a day – the rice will draw the moisture out of the unit and could save it.

  • If you want to pay, I believe there are companies that will waterproof your ipod or sell waterproofed ipod nanos.

    I use the imapmyrun app on my iphone with my lifeproof case. I love my lifeproof case! I can cross creeks without being terrified of falling and drowning my phone. I’m not sure how accurate the app is, as I don’t have anything to compare it with.

  • I run with the imapmyrun app too and, at least on the road, is very accurate. On the trail, my route on the maps looks pretty good also. Saving for a FR405 though (dont care about the bezel, will just lock it and use autoscroll), it’s a lot cheaper than the 310 on amazon.

  • I found out yesterday that the ipod will stop your workout timer and pause the music if you stop for a 1/2 minute.

  • I don’t have the fancy iPod like Scott. I just count my steps.

    To maintain accuracy I count 3/4 steps on the uphills and 1 1/6 steps when I am working on the flats for leg turnover.

    It seems to have similar results as the iPod and GPS.

  • I have been using Runkeeper App for the iphone. Cool thing with it, you can use your playlsits with it or stream Pandora. Plus, having the phone is nice becuase the Flashlight App has come in handy when the run went too long and no headlamp was handy…

  • I use a Garmin FR60. It has no GPS, but it does have a footpod, which, when you calibrate it, is pretty darn accurate. On long runs (say, 20 miles) I’ll drag along my Garmin eTrex and compare the two: the foot pod is off by maybe +/- half a mile over 20 miles. Good enough for me.

    The advantage of something like an FR60 over the nano is that a) you get the HR monitor which is frankly a better training tool than measuring distance, speed, or even time (!), and the footpod’s best usage is cadence feedback, not speed or distance. Get to those 90+ RPMs…

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