Today, June 6, 2012, is National Running Day:
What are your running plans?
Today, June 6, 2012, is National Running Day:
What are your running plans?
this episode, we’re joined by Christopher McDougall, the author of the best-selling book Born to Run. Christopher’s new book...
Roche helps us all, men and women, understand the physiological differences that women have and how it might be an advantage.Dr. Roche...
This Friday, Trail Runner Nation will be feeding a special edition of our podcast– an hour-long interview with trail running legend...
is no surprise that world-class athletes couldn’t get to their level without a strong mental game. It could be argued that you need a...
Heads up! We have pretty cool deal just for Trail Runner Nation citizens!Our friends at UCAN are offering free samples to Trail Runner...
What will UTMB's partnership with Ironman mean for trail racing, and the trail running world generally? Here are the highlights.
Run one of my favorite trails of course!
Hopefully you are taking a friend along?
working on getting more of my friends into it… it’s working. Convinced one to run up Pikes Peak with me later this month
My legs are kinda shot from my first 50k yesterday. Can I take tomorrow as a nat’l first 50k recovery day?
Congrats Ru!!
Busy workday for me but will get a short run in on one of my favourite trails this evening.
Run my usual hour on the bike path in ABQ listening to Sunny Blende