Dominic Grossman and Katie DeSplinter join TRN to talk about
- their experience at Liza Howard’s recent trail running camp with Team RWB
- Katie’s recent win at Ozark Trail 100
- How long does it take to get “race ready”
- Their training schedule
- Two-legged Star Wars creatures
Closing Song: “No More Tears” by Ozzy Osbourne
You can find us on iTunes or listen by using the player below.
I don’t know about anyone else, but this morning my itunes wouldn’t update TRN’s most recent podcast episode because it said:
“Trail Runner Nation >> Podcasts – l Trail Runner Nation” does not seem to be a valid Podcast URL.
Please check that you have entered the correct URL and try again.
Has anyone else seen this messege?
Saw this message earlier as well and the newest podcast is not showing up in my list even if i refresh.
Should be working as of 2pm CST. Let me know if not.
The newest podcast is still not showing up in iTunes. Thanks for all the great podcasts. I cannot do my long runs without them.
Hey guys….podcast not updating on itunes as of 11/28 withdrawal symptoms increasing
Jared & Nicklaus Thank you for the notice. WE have recently upgraded Servers. We are experiencing a few issues along the way. Our Web Ninja Tim is working on a solution.
Thank you for your help
Thanks for the heads up Don. Streaming the podcast right off the site works great so I’m all ears this afternoon.
Could the creatures Dominic references possibly be the “Kaadu” that were quite fast, by the way!
(Disclaimer…like Dominic, I am a certified, or certifiable, Engineer)
The 2-legged Imperial Walkers from Star Wars are called “AT-AT’s” (All Terrain Armored Transport). The 2-legged versions are called AT-ST’s (All Terrain Scout Transport). Yes, my nerd status has been confirmed! See below:
Wasn’t logged in when I posted the above… now my picture will show up!
…or not. I give up on the picture!
Curt and Kevin you two need to go on a trail run together !!
Scott kick down some Kokopellis to these Trekkies
wait, trekkies?! Wrong movies Don! And, huh, I didn’t realize the AT-ST were on Hoth, I thought only Endor. I know what I am doing this weekend. Your Podcast continues to teach me so many new things.
I was aware of the AT-ST’s but thought the example that Dominic was portraying was for faster movement not armored “walking”.
Actually, after listening to Dominic’s discussion again, Kevin’s post of the AT-ST’s is the correct answer because of the mention of the planet Hoth. The Kaadu were on the planet Naboo!
Curt and Kevin – you guys are crazy nerds! I wanna run with you guys – I may be able to keep up with you two wearing your Boba Fett costumes
The official winner is Kevin. The correct answer is the AT-ST (All-terrain, scout transport). Curt, according to Wiki, the AT-ST were featured in “Empire Strikes Back” – on the planet Hoth, but also in “Return of the Jedi” on Nabu.
Both of you nerds NEED some Performance Enhancing Kokopellis! (by the way, I am a HUGE Star Wars fan – can’t wait for the new trilogy) Email me your addresses and I will shoot them out.
Don – Star Wars is a Science Fiction movie series that began in the late 70’s
Hey thanks for being generous with the answer, Scott. For the record, I am far from being a “Trekkie” …just a big movie fan…I worked in theaters through high school and college! Email forthcoming.
Haha! My wife had a serious eye-roll when she read this thread over my shoulder this morning!
Curt…for what it’s worth, I would have sent half the PEK’s to you anyways…
Scott…email coming. Thanks!
All… another great podcast. Listened to it again this morning on my run, and (like always) picked up a few things I missed the first time around. Keep it up!