
Running For Happiness and Health with Jason Fitzgerald

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Hosted by
Scott & Don

USA Track & Field certified coach, elite athlete, and author of Running For Happiness and Health: A Beginners Guide to Faster Pain-Free Running,  Jason Fitzgerald joins The Nation to discuss some of the basics of running.  Whether you are a beginner or seasoned veteran, Jason’s book will give you practical advice and drills that can help you become a more fit, faster runner while reducing the chance for injury.  We discuss:

  • How to prevent injuries
  • Strength and core workouts
  • Goal oriented motivation for fun
  • Discipline vs. motivation
  • Is the 10% rule for everyone?
  • Consistence is the “secret sauce”
  • From from the beginning
  • Short Hill repeats are the secret for injury prevention
  • What are Strides? and how can they help you?

Visit his Website Strength Running or visit his blog

Contact Jason HERE


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1 comment
  • First off, excellent post and so much great stuff in there – rest is incredibly important, and it is how your body recovers that dictates everything. I think more and more things keep appearing that back that up, or at least that is what I have been reading.
    I think I tend to be happy with about one rest day and 50-55 miles in the winter and 60 or so in the summer.
    And whether or not that is optimal for me being a ‘better runner’, really doesn’t matter. It works great with my time and love of getting out there, and I feel great. I’m sure a coach would knock me upside the head and totally change things up on me, but I really don’t care. There are so many bloggers out there and it’s hard to keep track of everyone! Thanks for this list and for including me! Check My recent post

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