Call Trail Runner Nation and leave us a message!
Hard to believe it, but we’re just a few shows away from 500 episodes of Trail Runner Nation. It’s the planet’s longest-running trail running podcast!

A lot has changed since Show #1. Now, we run with shoes, and for pleasure, instead of running to hunt down dinner. And, these days, the earth’s crust is much cooler.
Okay, maybe it’s not been quite that long.
Starting at the end of this month and continuing through December, we’ll be celebrating this Trail Runner Nation ultramarathon milestone.
And since our community has always been an integral part of the reason we produce Trail Runner Nation, we want to hear from you.
Call us at 530-492-5006 and tell us your most memorable moment from our podcast!
Was it something laugh-out-loud funny?
… or painfully awkward
… or embarrassingly amateurish? (Remember: for years we didn’t even edit the show!)
… or actually useful?

Whatever you want to tell us, now’s the time. Just call us at 530-492-5006 and leave us a message.
We might use your story on an upcoming episode of Trail Runner Nation.
Oh! And we have a big announcement that we’ll share on our 500th episode. It’s just for you, our loyal Trail Runner Nation followers.
And no, we won’t be running 500 miles to celebrate. We’ll leave that to Courtney and Harvey. We’re perfectly happy to settle for an easy five.
Thanks for listening!
Still having fun after all these years,
Scott and Don
Your Humble Co-Hosts