Sharman, Joe Uhan and Matt Laye return to Trail Runner Nation to play the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down game covering these topics: NSAIDS Cryotherapy Whoop – recovery tracker Foam Rolling Visit College of Idaho with Assistant Professor, Matt Laye...
is hard for humans to survive on their own. They need a tribe. Challenges and pressures are hard on an individual in a group, but much greater for an individual in isolation. We talk about the ancient tribal human behaviors: loyalty, inter...
Dr. Mark is reading right now: “The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes us Happier, Healthier and More Creative” by Florence Williams Links to stuff we talked about: The video that we LOVE showing The Principles of Natural Running “The...
Barton and Warren Pole join The Nation as guest writers for this new installment of the Audio Magazine. Here are some links to what we discussed: Warren’s Ted Talk he referenced: David Epstein, “Are athletes really getting faster...
word Stubborn has a negative connotation in many cases. In this podcast, Devon Yanko and Andy Jones-Wilkins dive deep into the philosophy of stubborn. Is it good for an unltrarunner to be stubborn? How do you know when to give up? Or is this a time...
many times have you killed the first half or two-thirds of a race, the wheels come off the bus, and then it is a question of survival for the last quarter? Andy Dubois, elite endurance athlete, rejoins The Nation to discuss how we can prepare and...
Kelly, a professional endurance mountain biker, joins The Nation to explain how his dependance on sugar and carbohydrates began causing him some health issues including pre-diabetic blood sugar levels. After listening to his busy physicians he took...
Twietmeyer and Bob Crowley join The Nation to help the Noob with trail etiquette. Here is their list: Trail Etiquette Girlie Man Failed Liftoff Pass The Ass Too Close Carole (or Carl) Can’t Un-see That Blood Letting Downwind Aid Station Etiquette...
you want to be a great runner? Do you want to perform at your best? In Malcom Gladwell’s best-selling book, Outliers – The Story of Success, we are introduced to the 10,000 hour rule. Gladwell explains that we can become an expert at...
Reese, AKA Fast Cory, started running later in life and has become obsessed. He has an entertaining way to share his experiences from the “back of the pack” via his BLOG, his column in Ultrarunning Magazine, and his social media pages...