is hard for humans to survive on their own. They need a tribe. Challenges and pressures are hard on an individual in a group, but much...
Latest episodes
Adventurer and leadership coach, Brian Chontosh, aka Tosh, rejoins The Nation to dive into the mental side of endurance sports. He...
guest, Chadd Wright joins The Nation with his training partner and teammate Shawn Webber to discuss their “training missions”...
is a unique vocabulary for the Trail Running tribe. Ashley Walsh and Andy Jones-Wilkins join The Nation to discuss some of these terms.
do a lot of power hiking on the trails, but we often neglect our form and biomechanics of walking. Today, Coach Danny Dreyer rejoins The...
running plans, sometimes when you are producing podcasts, things go awry. We were planning one podcast for this week, but ended up having...
SoCal Correspondent, Jimmy Dean Freeman, rejoins The Nation as he and some of his clients are preparing for their A-races in the next few...
Sharman, Joe Uhan and Matt Laye return to Trail Runner Nation to discuss some interesting topics including: Ultrarunning is unhealthy...
. Mark Cucuzzella rejoins The Nation to talk about his new book, “Run For Your Life: How to Run, Walk, and Move Without Pain or...
after the conclusion of the Tor Des Geánts 2018 race, Don sits down with AJW, ECEP, and Scott to talk about this amazing experience...
Dubois, elite endurance athlete, rejoins The Nation to help us understand training intensity and periodization is important in your...
down, take a deep breath, take a cold plunge, and get healthy, fit, and happy! Get over the high-stress, tightly wound approach that often...