, Nutritionist, endurance athlete and coach, Matt Fitzgerald, joins the Nation to talk about what motivates us and how to train our brain to push our limits to a higher level. In his new book, “How Bad Do you Want It: Mastering the Psychology...
, coach, nutritionist and writer, Matt Fitzgerald, joins The Nation again to discuss how the brain works in training, racing and athletic performance. He discusses specific training programs that can help you can improve your performance. Get his...
is no such thing as the One True Way to eat for maximum health. No diet cult is better than the rest, and a person need not join any diet cult to attain maximum health. An agnostic approach to healthy eating that forbids nothing, smiles upon eating...
over 20 books written for the endurance athlete, Matt Fitzgerald is one of the sport’s leading authors. Some of his other best sellers are: Racing Weight: How to Get Lean for Peak Performance Iron War-Dave Scott, Mark Allen, & the...