do you run? In most cases, people talk about the HOW or the WHAT to try and explain this. When it comes down to it, we need to have a well understood WHY before we can successfully change our behaviors. Over 5 years ago, we read a life-changing...
, best-selling author, adventurer and runner, Cameron Hanes joins The Nation to talk about his passions: bow hunting big game around the world and endurance running. He completed the Bigfoot 200 in 2016 and is a couple weeks away from the start of...
you kidding? Many of us owe Dean for informing and encouraging us to get into Ultra or Trail Running via his books: UltraMarathon Man – Confessions of An All-Night Runner 50/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days – and...
week after the 2017 Bigfoot 200 Endurance Race, we look back at the race from a few different perspectives: Finisher, Don Freeman (finishing in 23rd) Race Director, Candice Burt 200-mile virgin, Bob Crowley – who is registered for the 2017...
Sharman, Joe Uhan and Matt Laye return to Trail Runner Nation to play the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down game covering these topics: NSAIDS Cryotherapy Whoop – recovery tracker Foam Rolling Visit College of Idaho with Assistant Professor, Matt Laye...
Ultra Trail Du Mont Blanc (UTMB) has become one of the world’s most desired races. Why? This race series lasts from August 28th – September 3rd (2017) and offers many different race distances with breathtaking views. Majo Srnik is...
is hard for humans to survive on their own. They need a tribe. Challenges and pressures are hard on an individual in a group, but much greater for an individual in isolation. We talk about the ancient tribal human behaviors: loyalty, inter...
you ever have thoughts and feelings you don’t want? Sport and exercise psychologist, Dr. Simon Marshall and 3-time Xterra world champion, Lesley Paterson join The Nation to help us understand how the brain works and how we can train it to...
. Stephanie Violett is a patient elite athlete that has learned a lot over the last year of recovering. 8 days prior to her third running of Western States 100, she joins The Nation to discuss how her simple rules of running and life have changed...
Barton learns that Scott Warr is hiking the Sierras this week and suggests she take over the show. She invites her Luna teammate Majo Srnik on and we talk about running in Mexico, USA and Canada. We discuss barefoot running, his first ultra is a...