Wright and Shawn Webber rejoin The Nation to analyze their experiences at inaugural running of The Revenant Ultra Adventure Race in New Zealand in January 2019. You can listen their original podcast, “Training Missions” Visit their log...
Burt and Tosh (Brian Chontosh) talk about suffering and this and that
Tosh’s 10 minutes
Mental Vacation
Purposeful training
15/5 rule
Broad-based athletic ability
Learn more about Crooked Butterfly Podcast and Humans of Ultra Podcast
the Process, Get Faster, Run Longer Ultra Runners and Coaches David and Megan Roche join The Nation to talk about their new book, the Happy Runner. LIVING IN ALL CAPS Embrace the process Why talk about the bad stuff with running? “We...
, Caleb Simpson joins The Nation to discuss CBD Oil and how it might hold some benefits for you as a runner. There are many incorrect perceptions and understandings about this cousin to marijuana, but there are some key differences that may get you...
year we adapt the boardgame, Balderdash, to a trail game. AJW and Donna Nì Cuarta compete for the coveted TRN Crown!
AJW’s Coaching
3 discussing three more chapters of the great book, Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance PART 1 HERE. PART 2 HERE The capacity to endure, from 5K to 240 miles to a relationship is an elusive skill that we search...
100km world champion and Western States 100 record holder, Ellie Greenwood joins regular guest Ian Sharman to talk about what has changed in their Ultrarunning since they began: Gear Nutrition Training Bonus topic: what race would you gift a running...
2. You can listen to PART 1 HERE. The capacity to endure, from 5K to 240 miles to a relationship is an elusive skill that we search for. Runner and journalist, Alex Hutchinson, exposes us to research that has been done in recent years that will...
evening of the Western States 100 lottery, there are a few lucky few that are preparing their training plan but the majority are left to scan UltraSignUp for a plan B for 2019. The Nation gathered at the Auburn-based The Aid Station (special...
is hard for humans to survive on their own. They need a tribe. Challenges and pressures are hard on an individual in a group, but much greater for an individual in isolation. We talk about the ancient tribal human behaviors: loyalty, inter...