if there was a revolutionary treatment that could:improve your cardiovascular capacitydecrease sports injurieshelp you live longerenhance memorymake you more creativemake you look more attractivekeep you slim and decrease food cravingsprotect you...
Greenwood elaborates on a few recent articles she wrote in Ultrarunning Magazine:
Reigniting Your Passion, November 2018
Finding Gratitude in Slower Times, September 2019
Band of Runners, November 2019
your running experience, you might have experienced or are experiencing a running layoff due to many different reasons. Sally McRae, The Yellow Runner , and Andy Jones-Wilkins, join The Nation to explore this topic: Why do they...
. Steven Gangemi, Sock Doc, teaches us why SLEEP is a very important to your training. We discuss Why is sleep so important? Do athletes need more sleep? What is good restful sleep? What are some of the factors that keep us from restful sleep? Are...
many times have you killed the first half or two-thirds of a race, the wheels come off the bus, and then it is a question of survival for the last quarter? Andy Dubois, elite endurance athlete, rejoins The Nation to discuss how we can prepare and...
Reed recently broke her leg. Our East Coast Executive Producer and Headmaster, Andy Jones-Wilkins, joins The Nation to discuss what it takes to make a comeback from injury, in a race, from professional setbacks, personal relationships, etc...
Arbogast has been running for over 30 years and continues to be competitive with other runners that are 1/2 her age. She seems to be getting faster! She joins The Nation to discuss how she got into running, her training regime, love for running...
Henninger is a Mom, elite ultra-runner, race director, nutritionist, coach and amateur chef. Whew! She joins The Nation to talk about her struggle, diagnosis and recovery from adrenal fatigue. You can read more about her story HERE. She praises...
have done many podcasts regarding a low carb, fat-burning diet. Sage Canaday joins The Nation to offer a counterpoint. Sage Canaday is a world-class successful athlete that prescribes to a high-carb lifestyle. Sage has been an ovo lacto...
Sock Doc, Dr. Steven Gangemi, joins The Nation after expunging his socks and going barefoot. We catch up with the Sockless Doc and talk about: Is chocolate good for you? Slosh Tubes Get More Fit With Two-a-days How to Reduce Stress with sleep and...