if there was a revolutionary treatment that could:improve your cardiovascular capacitydecrease sports injurieshelp you live longerenhance memorymake you more creativemake you look more attractivekeep you slim and decrease food cravingsprotect you...
this edition of Grab Bag, Alex Hutchinson and Matt Laye join us as we try an find out the truth behind: Over breathing? Can we become so efficient that we are burning less energy than a sedentary person? Is there a benefit to stretching? How does...
Runner and Author, Alex Hutchinson joins The Nation to discuss: Eliud Kipchoge’s recent <2:00 hr marathon How to Talk Yourself Into Better Endurance Did Scientists Really Find a Speed-Boosting Microbe? How Jell-O Could Speed Up Recovery...
: Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance author, Alex Hutchinson, joins The Nation to discuss endurance: what it is, what defines our limits and the science that helps us understand it. Previous Podcasts where we discuss...