
Tagmental training

EP 591: Do Hard Things – Part 1

is the first part of our chapter by chapter review of Steve Magness’ new book Do Hard Things – Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of REAL TOUGHNESS. We encourage you to buy the book and read along as we will have...

EP 566: Strategies of Mental Running

few weeks ago we spoke with Addie Bracy about mental training.  We loved it so much we bought her book, Mental Training for Ultrarunning: Your Psychological Skills for Ultra Success, and asked AJW if he would join us to talk...

EP 547: Remember to LIVE!

. Gordon Harvey is a Professor of history at Jacksonville State University.  He is also a seasoned ultra runner with dozens of finishes under his belt.  He has a pendant that says, “Memento mori and memento vivere” –...


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