Jimmy Dean Freeman, our southern California correspondent, chats with Faith, Don and Scott about the 2012 Western States 100. Earthquakes, rain, snow, hail, record-low temperatures, records-broken, memories-made, goals-met, dreams-fulfilled...
Have you ever wished you could take a running vacation? Five days of supported running bliss and evenings filled with sharing ideas and stories of trail running? Andy and Kim Holak, veteran trail runners, enable the dream with their company:...
Dr. Mark Cucuzzella joins us again to talk to us about the "H" words: Heat and Heart. Our community has been buzzing with the tragic deaths of Micah True (aka Caballo Blanco) and Arizonan, John Greer. We ask Dr. Mark if ultra running can be damaging...
Nation member Warren Pole talks about why British ultras aren't very cool compared to the way he imagines American ultras to be, the best ultra-running advice he has ever received, and his quest to complete the UTMB this year. After listening to...
Scott Jurek is a trail runner, outdoor enthusiast, physical therapist, competitive athlete, chef, vegan and now author. Scott talks to us about his new book, Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness. How does a seven-time Western...
We catch up with Jimmy Dean Freeman who is part of a relay team consisting of 7 ultrarunners running nearly 2,500 miles from Chicago to Santa Monica California to help spread the message to elementary school children about fitness, self confidence...
Frank Lieberman is living proof that It Has Nothing To Do With Age. At 60 he decided to ride Tevis Cup, a 100 mile horse race through the rugged Sierra Mountains. At 62 he ditches the horse and puts on a pair of running shoes and makes the same trip...
What happens when you leave 3 runners in a room with a few mics. Scott sings his version O' Canada, Don finds his memory is failing faster than his leg turnover and Faith...well as usual, she comes across pretty good.
Scott, Faith and Don take on blogger Will Cooper's Nine and a Half Ways To Keep Running Real. He lists his top suggestions that every trail runner should follow. We turn each one inside out as we talk through them.
Super carbs and super starches can be super confusing, but not for Sports Nutritionist Sunny Blende. She gives us the skinny on a new performance enhancing fuel source. Not convinced? We learn that ultrarunner of the year Dave Mackey used this new...