
Healthy Eating with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella

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Hosted by
Scott & Don

Dr. Mark Cucuzzella joins The Nation to help us understand the evolution of the American dietary guidelines.  We discuss:

  • What is Insulin Resistance and why is it important?
  • What is the best way to lose and maintain weight?
  • Does the calories in / calories out method of weight loss work?
  • How can your diet help you with your cholesterol levels?
  • How much does your genetic background play in your weight and health?
  • Can we manage risk factors for certain diseases by what we eat and manage insulin levels?
  • Can athletes have insulin sensitivity?

Please read Dr. Cucuzzella’s article

Visit The Natural Running Center for a TON of additional information.

Check out Healthy Running

Dr. Mark’s video on Principles of Natural Running


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  • I hardly ever comment on podcast, but I was inspired to do so after listening to this one whick kept my attention the entire time I was assembling a low-carb high veggie high fiber pumpkin tofu lasagna….I thought the information reviewed on this podcast is some of the most solid, sound, evidence-based nutritional advice I have heard recently. I am a PEDIATRIC nurse practitioner and regular trail/ultra runner and I love to cook! I am trying to help our state and nation’s children stay healthy for life, and these guidelines about insulin resistance development and fat-adaptation were very much in-line with what I try to teach my patient’s and their families. The ONLY advice with which I disagree in this podcast is the one that it is ok to skip breakfast before running, even if only a few miles. Maybe I am just too focused on the younger population since I work with kids and teens, but I know that if my teen athletes go out for a run without eating SOME carbs and protein, there is a chance that they may even experience light-headedness and even syncope and therefore I feel it is a dangerous practice. Is it really true that adults who are average “weekend-warrior” athletes could safely go out and run for an hour or so without eating after waking up in the morning? if that was the case, it would sure give me more time to run in the morning and I wouldn’t experience the bathroom issues on the trail! Also, skipping breakfast in general concerns me. One thing the physician did not discuss was blood-sugar regulation per se. If one skips breakfast, isn’t it true that his/her metabolism will “slow down” and actually increase insulin resistance due to a “starvation state”. thank you for this very informative and motivational podcast.

    • Aloha, I am not one to comment on things but I have to share this bit with you and how much this has helped me! I am 46 woman, very new to ultra running. I have always ben athletic and love to train in all various types of sports. I hit a huge low battling with my weight, especially with trying to be competitive. I knew my fitness was always there but my weight and how I felt everyday was horrible. I met this incredible woman whom has run ultras, I was helping her train for the tarawera in new Zealand, she sent this iPod cast to me, it all made sense. I basically cut out eating before training, taking less with me on my endurance runs, cycling days, but I did no effort I run slow and steady, adapting my body to this plan. It was extremely difficult getting through the bonks but stuck with it and didn’t give into those gross gels!! every day I was recovering well, losing fat!, and feeling good. Its bee n 4 months since I’ve started doing this and lost about 20bs from it, I feel absolutely amazing!! I have trained my body so well to burn the energy from eating the day before that I still do not eat breakfast before I go. I will usually eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter just to rid hunger pains, other than that I have all the energy I need, I have tailored this so I do not bonk on 30miles out there and make sure I drink lots of fluids!! and make sure I am getting the trace minerals I need to recover. Here in this cast the dr. is giving us the knowledge and science behind this particular type of eating while training and racing long distances, but in the end its up to us to tweak it and make it work for you. As a result I feel younger, look younger, stronger, empowered, everything about my inner being has changed, it is hard to explain. I have not deviated from this in any way. I am competing in my first ever ultra, and I will be running 50miles, in the mountains of Washington state. To comment on the nice person above…I agree children are very different than adults! there metabolism is going a mile a minute, yes they should eat breakfast. Hydration is the key!! I just know for me, this was the key to getting my weight down, feeling energized and great., I can run forever without bonking, and mind you I also can put in very hard efforts with no problem, its all about how you go about this and how much you want something. I recently competed in a uphill time trial on my bike, I didn’t eat a thing before the race, only hydrated. I got 3rd place overall in the woman’s category…only my amazing fat burning energy!!! I am now on my way to the feeling I can achieve anything!! I feel 19yrs old! there are times in my very long runs I can feel my body tap into the natural energy in there, I am very in tuned to what its doing…absolutely amazing! thanks for this iPod cast it was the key for me…Aloha from Hawaii

      • thank for both for these great stories. yes heather kids different and i would give them breakfast. they have growth hormone on board! keep tweaking, we are all experiments of 1.

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