Coaches Emily Harrison and Ian Torrence teach us why patience is important in Ultrarunning. Guest host is Sycamore. If you are looking for a coach, they can be found at McMillan Running You can read Ian’s article, “Patience and the...
Rhodes joins The Nation to tell us about he biggest film festival for runners that is taking place all over the world! The Trails In Motion is an annual international film tour that brings a collection of the finest trail and ultra running films to...
is Pam Reed’s 54th Birthday. She celebrated by going on a 20-mile run and joining The Nation. She has completed over 110 ultramarathons with a list of amazing accomplishments: First person to complete a 300-mile run without sleep (in...
Green, Phd, ATC teaches us the steps you can take for a lifetime of running enjoyment. Stuff we mentioned: Candice Burt’s 200/100 daily workout Running Times Masters Runners 10-Minute Strength Circuit Book, “Play: How it Shapes the...
Jimmy Dean Freeman joins The Nation to walk down memory lane. 34 years ago Ultrarunning Magazine published its first issue. What has changed in the last 34 years? You’d be surprised. Take a look at the old issue HERE JDF’s dancing...
Greg McMillan, Mcmillan Running, joins the Nation to discuss how to peak, prepare and work through the inevitable freak out that we feel as we get close to race day. His book, Surviving the Marathon Freak-Out, is a great handbook that the novice to...
, coach, nutritionist and writer, Matt Fitzgerald, joins The Nation again to discuss how the brain works in training, racing and athletic performance. He discusses specific training programs that can help you can improve your performance. Get his...
Robillard is a writer, ultrarunner, recreational pro MMA fighter, occasional teacher, and running coach. He has written a few books on ultrarunning including: The Ultimate Guide to Trail Running and Ultramarathons: Expert Advice, and Some Humor on...
Burt joins us from Hawaii, where she is preparing for her third running of the HURT 100. Faith Lehman (Goss) comes out of retirement to join in this not-so-heated debate about the pros and cons of being in a relationship with an ultra-runner. Check...
. Mark Cucuzzella joins us again to discuss: Running a 50 mile run on minimal training Racing for fun without stress The Magic of Human Facia Foam Rolling For more incredible information, go to the Natural Running Center Watch the 8:26 Video of...