trail runner and author of the book One Step Beyond Malcolm Law and his equally talented wife Sally Law sat down with us and discussed how a small gift in the form of a book became the spark for a dramatic change in life. Malcolm spun on his heel...
is no such thing as the One True Way to eat for maximum health. No diet cult is better than the rest, and a person need not join any diet cult to attain maximum health. An agnostic approach to healthy eating that forbids nothing, smiles upon eating...
TRN and follow Jimmy Dean as he takes on the original SIX 100-mile runs in the “Orignial Six Hundo Challenge”. Prior to each run we collect a recap from the previous race, bring a mentor to help repair our athlete and commit Jimmy to a...
the middle of the official Western States Endurance Run training weekend, we relax with Ian Torrence Emily Harrison Dominic Grossman Katie DeSplinter We chat about the weekend training Is trail running an activity or a way-of-life Mental Taper How...
if you get a chance to have a running discussion with Ann Trason and Andy Jones Wilkins at mile 55.7 on the Western States 100 Trail, what would you ask? We throw the kitchen sink at them both and came up with a jumbolia of topics that will make you...
posted a video on April 9th about Josh Spector’s experience running his first 135-mile race, The Brazil 135. To date it has had over 2 Million views – because it is that good! Josh’s first 135-mile run was on an unfamiliar course...
athletes fail to make progress or they see their fitness regress due to three main factors: You become injured You are training improperly You’ve simply lost the desire to train, or train like you used to Dr. Stephen Gangemi, the Sock Doc, joins...
athletes fail to make progress or they see their fitness regress due to three main factors: You become injured You are training improperly You’ve simply lost the desire to train, or train like you used to Dr. Stephen Gangemi, the Sock Doc, joins...
of your most important tools as a runner is your feet. You need to take care of them or your training/race may be foiled. John Vonhof literally wrote the book on how to take care of your feet: “Fixing Your Feet”. This book is now in the...
Campbell paid his $1.60 and a pack of cigarettes for his third attempt and second finish at the 2014 Barkley Marathons, a niche race in a niche sport. Since the race’s inception in 1986, only fourteen runners out of about 800 have completed...