where you live in the world, we all enjoy our sport on public lands. In the U.S.A., we have over 640 million acres (259 million hectares)...
Latest episodes
Barton started running ultras 14 years ago. In this short career, she has amassed an impressive resume including: 1st place at her second...
Burrell, Brand Director at Ultimate Direction, adventurer, ultra runner, and modern-day explorer, joins The Nation to talk about how...
Beast Coast, Andy Jones-Wilkins and Ashley Walsh, won our last game show, “$100,000 Pyramid – Nation Style“. They join...
Billy Yang joins The Nation to introduce the characters of his recent film, “Life in a Day”, an inspirational story four women...
word “vulnerability” has traditionally had a negative connotation; only the weak are vulnerable. Andy Jones-Wilkins and...
, Travis Macy underwent a battery of tests at eNRG Performance in Boulder, Colorado. We were intrigued to see what these tests were, why...
quote Mr. Warren Pole, “If you fall in Fall running Fell, now you have something!” Nicky Spinks is an accomplished fell runner...
Reese, AKA Fast Cory, started running later in life and has become obsessed. He has an entertaining way to share his experiences from the...
Yang and Jimmy Dean Freeman join The Nation to discuss trail running adventures. They can take all forms and can be very complex or simple...
McRae and Warren Pole join the nation to review the newest volume of the TRN Audio Magazine. Here is a list of the articles we discuss:...
jump in the TRN time machine and travel back to 1988 to compare how trail running has changed. Tim Twietmeyer, 25-time, silver buckle...