many times have you killed the first half or two-thirds of a race, the wheels come off the bus, and then it is a question of survival for the last quarter? Andy Dubois, elite endurance athlete, rejoins The Nation to discuss how we can prepare and...
Nation gathers at Gold Country Run and Sport to do a live podcast with Meghan Arbogast, Zach Bitter and Nicole Kalogeropoulus. All three run for Altra Running and will be toeing the line at the 2017 Western States 100. We talk with these athletes...
Kelly, a professional endurance mountain biker, joins The Nation to explain how his dependance on sugar and carbohydrates began causing him some health issues including pre-diabetic blood sugar levels. After listening to his busy physicians he took...
Twietmeyer and Bob Crowley join The Nation to help the Noob with trail etiquette. Here is their list: Trail Etiquette Girlie Man Failed Liftoff Pass The Ass Too Close Carole (or Carl) Can’t Un-see That Blood Letting Downwind Aid Station Etiquette...
Sharman, Joe Uhan and Matt Laye return to Trail Runner Nation to discuss some interesting topics including: Power Meters – do they have a place in trail running? Supplemental Ketones – can they help us? Marijuana in training and racing...
you want to be a great runner? Do you want to perform at your best? In Malcom Gladwell’s best-selling book, Outliers – The Story of Success, we are introduced to the 10,000 hour rule. Gladwell explains that we can become an expert at...
where you live in the world, we all enjoy our sport on public lands. In the U.S.A., we have over 640 million acres (259 million hectares) of public lands. These lands are managed for us by many different federal agencies. Quietly, there are deals...
Barton started running ultras 14 years ago. In this short career, she has amassed an impressive resume including: 1st place at her second 100-mile race (Javelina Jundred in 2006) 80 wins 5 over-all wins (men and women) over 24 course records broke...
Burrell, Brand Director at Ultimate Direction, adventurer, ultra runner, and modern-day explorer, joins The Nation to talk about how hydration has evolved over the years and where he believe it is going. He also talks about the first annual Fastest...
Beast Coast, Andy Jones-Wilkins and Ashley Walsh, won our last game show, “$100,000 Pyramid – Nation Style“. They join The Nation along with two additional West Coast teams Team “Smells Like Wasatch Spirit”, Jimmy...